Saturday, August 31, 2019

Recovering Addicts in the Field of Substance Abuse Counseling

RECOVERING ADDICTS IN THE FIELD OF SUBTANCE ABUSE COUSELING Is Substance Abuse Counseling a good career for a convicted felon and recovering drug addict? A person’s past mistakes in life can sometimes prevent that person from getting certain jobs later in life. With a prior criminal record some employers may not consider that individual as a good candidate for the job. Substance abuse counselors can be needed in hospitals, institutions, rehab centers, schools, and other government ran facilities.With a felony conviction against your criminal back ground check, government ran facilities normally will not hire convicted felons due to higher risk of a liability. Personal background checks are sometimes required as well and if that individual has a past known drug addiction, employers may seem skeptical of hiring. It has however been acknowledged that a recovering drug addict will make a better candidate than someone with no past drug addiction. A recovering drug addict has experi enced personally the addiction, struggles, and with drawls that are present when trying to become sober.Close to 100,000 people in the US work in recovery related jobs earning their living as drug counselors,†techs†,or social workers at the hospital treatment programs and thousands of rehabs across the country. Most people who enter the field of substance abuse counseling have some kind of personal connection with the problem. More than 50% are recovering drug addicts themselves or have family members or close friends that are addicts. A strange twist on the famous Hunter S. Thompson’s quote â€Å"When the going get weird, the weird turn pro. With a personal connection to a past life of drug/alcohol use it usually tends to mean substance abuse counselors are incredibly passionate and dedicated. There is however a downside. Many addicts even significant amount of sober time, are at risk of a relapse. When substance abuse counselors stumbles, the consequences are o ften more crucial than that of someone who is not in that type of career. Cynthia Moreno Tuchy, the EXECTUCTIVE DIRECTOR of THE NATIONAL ASSIOCATION OF ALOCHOLISM AND DRUG ABUSE COUNSELORS (NAADAC) puts a rather fine point on it. We (chemical dependency professionals) do very well treating clients in general; we don’t do so for the professionals in recovery. We tend to blame the victim –we say you have a disease, but we are not recognizing relapse is part of that disease cycle. Why would we not do for addiction counselors as we would for everyone else? † She says. Most graduate programs in chemical dependency require applicants to have significant time free-typical a year or two-from chemical use and in most states licensing boards require similar amounts of clean times.When a substance abuse counselor relapses, they violate that condition and normally lose their jobs. The climb back tends to be quite steep. While relapse of a counselor poses danger to patients, the biggest threat is actually to the person who relapses. â€Å"Anecdotally the recovery rate for persons who work in the field that relapse is abysmal. † Says Chuck Rice. Counselors who do relapse, may continue to escalate with their relapse for fear of losing their job and can go untreated and hit rock bottom once again, which could have been a simple slip up if treatment was assemble as sought.Many people, who make a living in the recovery field, complain over time, it can become easy for professionals to blur the line between demands of personal recovery and the demand of their job. Giving the low success rate at many rehabs, burn out is a major issue. â€Å"When you work in the field,† says John Leonard, â€Å"The last thing you want to do when you get off work is to go to a meeting. † Furthermore, recovering substance abuse counselors get used to being the one with the answers, the experiences, and creditability. It’s easy to confuse work with thei r own personal recovery programs.The irony is that support and safety nets that exist for other professionals who fall victim to addiction does not exist for people who work in this field. â€Å"Sobriety rates of monitored professionals exceed 90%† Says Chuck Rice, â€Å"A rate far above the average general population. † Touhy estimates that 85,000 people in the addiction work force an as many 30,000 are recovering addicts. Without a national monitoring system and strong areas of informal support, these professional who work every day helping others to a clean life will go without the support they need and deserve.As the recovery field grows, so will the need for the professional working to help make the system work. If a system such as this is established I believe it is possible and a good choice career for a recovering addict to pursue a career as a substance abuse counselor despite the risk and triggers that can lead to relapse many counselors and people working in the addiction field can relate to current addicts lifestyles and be grateful they are not on that path themselves. Having desired to help others recover from addiction because they themselves re in recovery there is hope in knowing that recovery is possible because they have achieved it. There was an incident that happened in 2009 that captured the national news. Adam â€Å"DJ AM† Goldstein, host of MTV GONE TO FAR intervention reality series, was found dead at his New York City apartment from a drug overdose. DJ AM had just finished filming the MTV intervention reality series when he himself relapsed and died from a drug overdose. He had been sober for eleven years and had hoped to help others beat drug addiction.Goldstein admitted before his death that watching the videos filmed by Gone to Far’s addicts and loved ones was a â€Å"terrifying† experience. Goldstein stated,† I am a recovering drug addict. When I see and I am in their room and the paraphern alia and the whole lifestyle and everything, I still, eleven years later, have little thing in my head that starts thinking, Oh, Where’s that? , I wonder what that is? And I look at it in this way, And I have to constantly remind myself why I’m here and remember what it was like. â€Å"There’s no better way to remember what it was like at my bottom than to see someone at their bottom, and to help them and lift them up. † Nick Zybko wrote that nearly 40% of substance abuse counselors relapse over the course of their career. The need for substance abuse counselors is growing in today society. With economic failures and job layoffs, more people today are at a greater risk in turning to drugs or alcohol to escape and run from their problems. Counselors and other professional workers in the addiction fields are continuing to search for roles to help society deal with substance abuse.Counselors are aware of the destruction it causes to individuals, families, bu sinesses, and other organizations caused by dependency on alcohol or other drugs. One factor in important quality needed in a successful intervention and recovery with counselor and patient is empathy, genuineness’s, warmth, immediacy. Paired along with effective helping skills, such as questioning, comforting, self-disclosing, clarifying, and other skills common to the counseling process.Most substance abuse counselors who are recovering addicts can relate to the patients on a more personal level and a patient-counselor trusting relationship can be better formed. Each organization and treatment facilities differs from state to state as to what credentials you need to pursue a career as a substance abuse counselor. All facilities I have researched are accepting to recovering addicts as long as there is a sobriety of one to two years. Most recovering addicts have a criminal background record as well due to the â€Å"addiction disease†.There are some rehabs a treatment f acilities that only hire certified substance abuse counselors who are in fact recovering addicts even with a criminal record. As long as the substance abuse counselor is not on probation or parole this type of career is perfect for a recovering addict with a criminal past who has the desire to help others recover from addictions. As with any career and everyday life, a recovering addict is always at risk of relapse because of the disease. Perusing a career as substance abuse counselor has it downfalls as well as its advantages.Living a drug free life and remaining in recovery is important no matter the choice of career. I have pondered throughout most of my life as to what type of career I want in life and now that I am at a point in my life to making positive changes, I feel substance abuse counseling is an excellent choice for myself and perhaps others who have lead a similar life to myself and have the want and desire and even personal experience and knowledge to help others reco ver from their addictions to live a healthy happy life without drugs or alcohol. Sally Hughes [email  protected] phoenix. edu

Friday, August 30, 2019

Communications & Crisis Essay

The Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) has begun to receive official reports stating that the public water supplies of several towns in the South East Texas (SET) area have become contaminated with life-threatening biological agents. As director of this office, it is my responsibility to address contingency plans within the organization and the public; without creating panic. Areas of focus will include external and internal communication channels, communication advantages and challenges, communication strategies, applicable technology, technology utilization, and media opportunities. Successful management of the situation requires the establishment of teams and communication channels. Organization teams include a state relations team, district relations, media relations, and a crisis communications team (CCT). State, district, and media relations will communicate with CCT acting as coordinator. As the director of TDEM, I will be in charge of the CCT and oversee all organization operations. The state relations team till will be in charge of communications with the Texas Department of Health, the Texas Department of Public Safety, the Texas Emergency Management Council (TEMC), and other government officials. According to Texas law, mayors and county judges serve as emergency management directors, bearing the responsibility for maintaining an emergency management program within their respective jurisdictions (TDEM, 2014). This will help with local emergency coordination’s. The district relations team will engage with local authorities to organize emergency response operations. The media relations team will communicate with local and online media sources and keep them informed of the issue. Our organizations communication channels can instantly connect with multiple organizations at once. This gives our organization a major advantage. We have the ability to spread and collect information quickly and on a grand scale. Information needs to be disseminated as fast and efficiently as  possible. The challenges associated with communications is the coordination of all efforts. According to Athena du Pre, lack of communication can lead to duplicated efforts, costly (and sometimes life-threatening) delays, frustration, and wasted time (Du Pre, A., 2003). During crisis events delays and wasted time can cost lives. This means that our team must keep in constant communication with other organizations to prevent overlapping efforts. Crisis communication is an ongoing process. Having a crisis communication plan is important so that more time can be spent acting and less time be spent making decisions. Examining the communication process of other crisis events can be a useful way to identify successful strategies. In 1979, the Three Mile Island reactor malfunctioned. The major form of communication used to report the event at the time were televisions and radios. Access to information was limited and local television and radio station bore the bulk of public inquiries. Organization communications had to be accomplished via telephones or face-to-face. Public communications were also limited to telephones and face-to-face. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina ravaged the city of New Orleans and left a large portion of it underwater. The major forms of communication during this event included television, radio, and the internet. With this event the internet provided quick connection and communication with multiple entities. Information could also be transferred on faste r and larger scale. However, with this particular event a large portion of the public had to go without electricity for an extended period of time. Without electricity television, radios, and the internet cannot be operated. Smartphones existed at the time, but were not as abundant. Those with smartphones and cell phones had a small window for communications after the loss of electricity. Unfortunately, these devices require recharging and are useless after so many hours. Examination of these scenarios provide proof of the importance of information access during times of crisis. In 1979, their limited resources increased the levels of public concern. In 2005, their lack of resources reduced the number of communication channels. Many people were left clueless and helpless. I believe that a good way of utilizing this knowledge is to prepare for similar situations. Publishing emergency information to the public on a wide variety of channels means more access to information, less confusion, and better coord ination of efforts. Fortunate for us, the current  scenario is not a threat to public electrical systems. However, we should be prepared for interruptions or breakdowns amongst communication channels. Each team should have contingencies in place, in case one or more resources is lost. These contingencies should include backup agencies, officials, and media sources. Teams should also have contingencies in place incase internal communications are interrupted or broken-down. Organization teams should allocate responsibilities between different members. If something happens to a team member, their responsibilities should either be divide up amongst all other team members or given to a single member. This largely depends on the size of responsibility and number of available team members. If an entire team becomes unavailable, then that teams responsibilities will be divided by the CCT and distributed amongst the remaining teams. Public contingency plans must also be addressed. In this scenario there are effectively two distinct immediate dangers. Lack of public knowledge leading to exposure, and difficulties decontaminating the public water supplies. In regards to public knowledge, it’s important that information be disseminated not only through technological communication channels, but through ground communication channels as well. Public and municipal service employees of all types should be called upon to spread the word throughout the public. The more entities that can be informed via employer to employee, the better. In regards to decontamination, the public should be fully aware that government agencies are working around the clock to solve the issue. Government entities should also offer access to alternative water supplies. During times of hurricanes, many agencies and charitable services hand out bottled water from multiple locations in their respective cities. This strategy should be utilized with the current scenario. If necessary, these services should be offered for as long as they are needed. As indicated in the previous scenarios, technology and the spread of the information go hand in hand. With the addition of the internet and digital communications, the communication process has become much more versatile. Social media often provides as a communications network for the public. Social media users can connect with other users and members of the public to share information and coordinate efforts. In today’s world many people have smartphones that are capable of internet access. These devices provide people with the ability to  access information no matter where they are. The downside to this technology is the requirement of data access. Times of crisis can overwhelm internet infrastructure, making communications slow or impossible. Short messaging services (SMS)’s are a good way of combating this effect. The benefit of SMS’s is that they operates on the mobile carrier signal rather than the connection used for mobile voice and data, allowing messages to be delivered and received on mobile devices even when the networks are too congested to make voice calls (Anonymous, 2014). Emergency alerts are also able to be broadcasted this way. Those with smartphones can be sent instant notifications; keeping them updated with current information. These systems can be used to inform a large number of people all at the same time. Compared to previous crisis scenarios, it’s possible that some technologies could be used differently. With the expansion of available communication channels, reliance on some technologies may not be as abundant as it once was. Television and radios no longer bare the sole burden of emergency broadcast communications. This can free up the efforts of local news and radio stations. Fewer public inquires to contend with, increases the overall resources of the stations. People will still call the stations for information, but the number will be significantly lower than it was in previous scenarios. In some cases television and radio may not even be utilized. Advancement in technologies has allowed the home computer to become the central h ub for information in some homes, and amongst many college students. Computers can be used for watching television and listening to radio programming. This technology increases the need for broadcasting emergency information over internet channels. Media opportunities of this management crisis include redundancy broadcast. According to a study from the University of Texas, redundancy is often necessary to overcome the noise in people’s lives because it reveals that people’s urgency perception increased after receiving three messages (Stephens, K., Barrett, A., & Mahometa, M., 2013). Having the media broadcast continual information will help increase the urgency perception of the public. The more people that are made aware, the less potential there is for casualties. Social media could also be used as a way to broadcast emergency information to different groups. Sites like Facebook and Twitter, can be used to spread information. Users connected or â€Å"subscribed† to  different groups receive notifications from those groups. This allows for information to be spread quickly across a major network. Often groups will be connected to other groups. When one group learns of the emergency they can then share the information with another group, and so on. Crisis management is an urgent matter that must be handled swiftly and efficiently. Planning and communications are vital for coordinating efforts. To protect the public, organization and communication strategies and contingencies must be in place. Communication channels must be established and their advantages and challenges should be known. Applicable technologies and their utilizations should be identified. Media opportunities should also be known so that appropriate communication channels can be utilized as a means of keeping the public informed. References Anonymous. (2014). Dynmark International: SMS is most effective communication channel during emergency. (2010). Wireless News, Retrieved from Du Pre, A. (2003). Communicating About Health (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw Hill HIPAA compliance. Corrections Forum, 12(1), 15-16. Retrieved from Seeger, M. W. (2006). Best Practices in Crisis Communication: An Expert Panel Process. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 34(3), 232-244. doi:10.1080/00909880600769944 Stephens, K., Barrett, A., & Mahometa, M. (2013). Organizational Communication in Emergencies: Using Multiple Channels and Sources to Combat Noise and Capture Attention. Human Communication Research, 39(2), 230-251. doi:10.1111/hcre.12002 Texas Department of Emergency Management (TDEM). (2014). Retrieved from he Fiscal Year of 214.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Why is influx of foreigners good for Singapore?

I came to Singapore with my family last year. We started a new Journey coming from India and enjoying this beautiful country which is very multicultural and diverse. As days passed, I started to notice some ongoing discussions and blobs on the need to control the influx of foreigners in Singapore. These discussions seemed to be quite Interesting. The influx of immigrants was cited as the reason for putting strains on Infrastructure, increase in inflation, rising prices of property and rising Income Inequality.Slowly, the public opinion of Singapore turned against the policy of welcoming foreigners Into their country. Even the Prime Minister has admitted that the Government lacked foresight In tackling the problems that came with the surging population. As we entered 2013, was passed by Singapore government to control the Immigrants In Singapore. In my view the foreigners have played an Important role In the development of this nation In the last 8-10 years. Limiting immigration may c ause a lot of damage to its future development.One of the reasons why Singapore has been successful so far is because it encouraged immigration and nearly everyone in Singapore is an immigrant or family of an immigrant. Even Lee Guan Yew who is the Singapore founding prime minister is a second-generation immigrant. Singapore has always been an appealing immigration destination. The country presents high multicultural advantages for people. The different varieties of food from various countries gives a great opportunity to try new different flavors from all around the world.Limiting immigration will only worsen Singapore problems. If Singapore cannot get enough labor, it will have to raise wages and eventually inflation will rise. You would also agree that foreigners living here contribute to the economy of Singapore as their spending capability is quite gig. This results in more Jobs being created for local Singapore. Singapore will face a shrinking workforce and aging population if new immigrants are not brought in. If Singapore tightens its immigration policy too much, it will become â€Å"an old age home in 10 to 20 years. Given that more resources will then have to be expended to support the elderly, I think Singapore will find it very difficult to develop and compete with its neighboring countries. Every country in history that has discriminated against foreigners is going to go into decline. So I urge my fellow Singapore to ATA cool, not worry too much about foreigners. This nation has seen a great†¦ L repeat great progress in the last 15-20 years. The recent challenges on high Inflation & strain on infrastructure will be tackled by the government soon.Even the Prime Minister has admitted that the Government lacked foresight in tackling the problems that came with the surging government to control the immigrants in Singapore. In my view the foreigners have played an important role in the development of this nation in the last 8-10 years. Stay cool, not worry too much about foreigners. This nation has seen a great†¦ ‘ repeat great progress in the last 15-20 years. The recent challenges on high inflation & continue to make this nation a great place to live in.

OCEANIA Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

OCEANIA - Research Paper Example However, the human exploration of the Oceania environment was not without negative effects to the environment. As a result, the change of the environment bears significant impacts to the people and the ecosystems in Oceania. The human activities have been the greatest contributors to the change in the environment. The lack of regulation among the people in the region caused them to over exploit the resources without considering its effects to the other ecosystems. The alteration of the environment caused changes to the various ecosystems in the region. For instance, the environmental changes resulted to extreme changes of the temperatures in the region. The mean temperatures were extremely high than before, and this interfered with the lives of other a biotic processes. The temperature variability over time also influences the rainfall pattern in the region. As a result, the region became prone to interactions with new pathogens and invasive species. These were groomed by the varying temperature and rainfall patterns. Moreover, the environmental changes caused the region to experience extreme cases of natural phenomenon. For example, the alteration of the environmental systems in the region resulted to occurrences of storms in the region. Moreover, there have been extreme cases of floods resulting from human activities. In addition, the accumulation of the carbon gases in the air has resulted to climate change. This is a major contributor and trigger of the temperature and rainfall variability in the region. All these variations have affected the lives of the people negatively. In addition, they have altered the natural ecosystems in the region2. The Oceania region has a unique physical geography nature. The region is divided into four regions that include Micronesia, Polynesia, Melanesia and Malaysia. All these regions are characterized by different geopolitical attributes. As neighbouring nations, the political influence of the nations would be

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Piero Gobetti On Liberal Revolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Piero Gobetti On Liberal Revolution - Essay Example In the book, Gobetti identifies two Italy. One of the Italy comprises of the enlightened and focus on modernity but it is small while the other comprises of the premodern is dominant and is characterized by traditionalism. Gobetti associates liberalism with other revolutionally movement. This essay focuses on my understanding of Gobetti’s ideologies in the book On Liberal Revolution. Gobetti live in the period after First World War when Italian liberalism had been abandoned and substituted by the great desire for power. The political figures were ready to hold to power at all costs. Gobetti criticizes this kind of life and advocates for revival of true liberalism. Gobetti addressed fascist political culture. This is because there had been quite a number of liberal governments but they had not put much effort in establishing liberalism. This had led to failure of liberal economics and culture. He felt that Italy had failed in its efforts of establishing a middle class that bene fited the nation as it had happened in Great Britain and France. He felt that the middle class had played a great role in establishing successful liberal societies. However, the middle class in Italy was ineffective. Gobetti valued class liberalism since he believed that it was capable of to bring radical change (Gobetti, Urbinati, & McCuaig, 2000). Gobetti was opposed to the decline of liberalism in Italy and his book is an agonistic reformulation of liberalism. In Gobetti’s opinion, conflict and not consensus is the foundation of social and political regeneration. He considered liberalism to entail continuous ethnic struggle against transcendental beliefs (Gobetti, Urbinati, & McCuaig, 2000). Gobetti insisted that liberalism was adaptable to different classes. Gobetti opposed fascism and claimed it was an accretion of all the iniquities facing the Italian society. Throughout the book, Gobetti defends the right of people to operate without the interruption of the state. He t hus directs his revolution liberalism to the political scenery in Italy. He opposes the negative and positive conceptions of liberty. He argues that political liberty is closely linked to political liberty. He advocate for liberalism, which allowed the entire society to make their decisions without arbitrary interference from the state (Gobetti, Urbinati, & McCuaig, 2000). However, he feels that the political environment in Italy was inappropriate for liberalism. Gobetti advocates for political education on historical them accept the spirit of liberalism. Gobetti’s ideas are greatly influenced by the struggles of workers in Turin and Gramsci’s vision of a factory based democracy. The liberal Revolution was greatly influenced by his disapproval of fascism. Gobetti adopts Mosca’s idea of the political system characterized by struggles by elites to attain offices of power. Gobetti uses this idea to explain disagreements over ideas between the different social force s in relation to the different forms of power (Gobetti, Urbinati, & McCuaig, 2000). He believed that the workers would lead successful liberalism. This was based on the significance he associated with the struggles of the workers. In Gobetti's opinion, Fascism was indicative of the historical failure of Italy’s political life. He believed that there had to be transformation in the economic as well as moral culture of the society for effective liberalism to

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Methods of Birth Assessments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Methods of Birth Assessments - Essay Example This approach is perceived applicable for a peaceful, â€Å"calm, and comfortable birthing† – relying on the normal physiological and biological interaction between the mother and child in the womb, without regard to the potential complication that are accounted by modern medical science on birthing (MedlinePlus, 2013a). Such happens when a woman is undergoing a â€Å"preterm labor, when the child inside the womb is tied its own umbilical cord, when child is situated abnormally, and whenever there is evidence of birth injuries (MedlinePlus, 2013a, p. 1).† Caesarean intersection is a surgical operation that is only undertaken when child delivery pose serious risks to both the mother and child; the only effective and efficient method, as remedy thereof , is only through surgical operation (, 2013). Some women however, who have less tolerance on pain associated to vaginal delivery, will prefer a painless caesarean section delivery for less di fficulty (, 2013). ... Although this is costly, experts contended , including the World Health Organization (WHO), that it’s the best method to prevent further complication and it help reduce mortality rate of women and children (, 2013). This is to acknowledge the fact that many women nowadays have some medical causes to undertake this method and there are evidences that require the need to uphold this process of child delivery (, 2013). Normally, an expectant mother would undergo labor and contractions when it is the time of the child to be given birth (MedlinePlus, 2013b).The process will demonstrate the natural dilation of the cervix and effacement of the uterus (MedlinePlus, 2013b). A number of women can undertake normal vaginal delivery while others require surgical caesarean intersection for the child to be delivered (MedlinePlus, 2013b). The latter require gynaecological expertise that is only available in maternity hospitals and in birthing cl inic (MedlinePlus, 2013b). This is otherwise called medical child birth method of delivery. Modern times have likewise recognized that the present lifestyle associated to childbearing and multiple births have consequentially developed such â€Å"medical circumstance that requires this medical and practical standard (, 2013).† In the case of first expectant mother, caesarean operation becomes likely specially of they the cervix cannot attain full dilation that would affect the child’s fetal condition or would cause its distress, thus, mandate the need for such medical intervention (, 2013). Mothers however are advised to try the normal process of vaginal delivery before opting for caesarean section operation that will cost them more

Monday, August 26, 2019

Evaluating Learning Curve for Kitchen Renovation Research Paper

Evaluating Learning Curve for Kitchen Renovation - Research Paper Example The objective of incorporating learning curves technique is to avoid steep learning curves and learn kitchen remodeling skills in a small amount of time.   The cumulative average curve is used to measure the learning curve and determines the efficiency of learning in quantified format. For the kitchen renovation project of 30 square feet of space, the rate of improvement was found to be 20%, which gives the learning percent of 80 in quantifiable terms (100 - 20 = 80). Learning efficiency was significant even for the purchased parts for which the efficiency remains in the region 80%-85% (Cyr, 2007). Kitchen remodels budgeting was the critical factor in determining the magnitude of the cumulative average curve. The general contractor was hired for the budgeting portion and over $500 was spent on budgeting alone. This cost was added to the total cost and then the learning efficiency was calculated. For installing ducts and plumbing, the learning curve remained above 70%, consuming 80 hours each. On the other hand, the learning curve for rewiring and installing lights was higher than plumbing. Due to proficiency in these tasks, less labor and time was consumed which instantly increased the learning efficiency and pushed it in the range of 85%-90%. Both of these tasks (lighting and rewiring) consumed 55-60 hours each. Follow-up on orders It is extremely crucial for a project manager to follow up on its products and services. Finishing and selling the product is one part of the battle, providing assistance after selling is another part of the job and constitutes as the backbone of customer retention. For the kitchen remodeling project, there are various aspects that need following up. Maintenance of various items is the necessary part of this project. The paint and varnish on the walls take some careful supervision after applying and needs following up. Enhancement and ongoing support are very important for a good customer feedback. Electric wiring system needs a l ot of care after installing. Follow up on the electric circuit as well as kitchen appliances counts as a regular follow up for the kitchen renovation. For this project, repairing drywalls of the kitchen required maintenance and follow up with the drywall contractor. This follow-up didn’t require any additional costs. There was also some problem in kitchen cabinets, which was discovered after installing them. Immediate replacement cabinets were called for from the contractor as he was responsible for all follow-ups. Finish carpenter was an independent contractor and the services he provided were not included in the initial contract. Therefore for tasks like Trim Molding, no follow-up service was available. For maintenance of the molding, the same carpenter was hired again at additional charges to take care of the moldings. The similar case was with the Laminate flooring, as a contractor was rehired to take care of the new flooring tiles. Another item which demands attention af ter purchase and installment is the Kitchen oven. Installment and the actual price of the oven were included in the contract price but maintenance and follow up was for one year only.  Ã‚  

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Divorce and Child's Welfare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8000 words

Divorce and Child's Welfare - Essay Example Of particular interest would be the academic performance of children of divorce in terms of gender difference and age. With the aide of social and developmental theories, the different arguments can be examined. The research aims to find to evidence that divorce affects children negatively using attachment theory, role theory and systems theory as an investigative framework. The results of the investigation are expected to yield relevant information that can form the conceptual theoretical foundation of alternative social work interventions to alleviate the circumstance of affected children. The sanctity of Matrimony is subject to various pressures of modern living. Some couples commenced in wedded bliss only to find later in the marriage of their inability to cope with various encumbrances that come with the package. The consequences of separation already have a profound effect on couples. What more on children that comes as the product of that union Divorce, according to Guttmann (1993), was a symptom of social disease (p.2). The public's opinion is divided. Some would advocate that divorce has positive outcomes while others would argue that the prevalence of divorce only mitigates social decay. Conflicting values ensue between cultures that accept divorce as a necessity and cultures that consider divorce as erosion of moral codes. Societies that consider divorce as an acceptable solution to disagreeing couples provided laws that would oversee the implementation of the divorce conditions. However, despite the presence of these laws, many fathers saddled with the financial burden of providing for the dissolved union has produced several negative outcomes. The inability to provide financial support to the family has left his children in need of economic assistance. The loss of one parent has placed more pressures on the family. The single-parent without the benefit of the financial assistance from the estranged spouse is forced to resort to other means to support the children. Aside from the loss of economic support as a consequence of divorce, the loss of a parent that should have been part of the basic social unit has placed undue pressures on the children of the union. In recent years, some experts noted a decline in the effects of union dissolution on children. Amato (2001) attributed the decline to the more accommodating society on the occurrence of divorce and the stigma associated with marital dissolution is reduced. In addition, external intervention programs were more effective and accessible in recent years (Brown, Young & Allen 2003). The stigma of divorce has worn off. Majority has accepted divorce as a consequence of inevitable circumstances. Children should not be in a household where conflicts between parents are an everyday occurrence. It will benefit the children more if they are removed from such an environment. The two parents should agree on how

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Harbor Cay Condominium Collapse Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Harbor Cay Condominium Collapse - Research Paper Example On the design aspects the teams identified that the slabs were slim compared to the standards offered by ACI. The used slab had 8 inches whereas the minimum requirement is set at 11 inches. The process of punching shear was overlooked when designing the slabs. The structural engineer, who retired from NASA, also failed to make the necessary calculations on concrete requirements such as beam shear and column reinforcement spacing. Harbour Cay Condominium was designed to be a medium sized building with a total height of 242 fees and 58 feet in width. The preassembled plywood was made from flying form where they constructed the floor slabs, 8 inches thick. The east side of the building hosted a detached elevator tower whereas the north and south ends were occupied by the stairwells. The building had both exterior and interior columns that measured 10 x 12 and 10 x 18 inches respectively. The structural engineer advocated for above-grade concrete to be used, with strengths of up to 4,000 psi. 11 There were pile caps supporting exterior slabs. Floor slabs were placed twice per week with the first session covering half the total space. The roof plan indicated it would be cast in one day. Harbour Cay Condominium was near completion when it collapsed. The concrete was already placed on the flying forms of the roof when things changed. The construction workers were pouring concrete on the roof slab when a loud crack was heard and it all fell like a house of cards. Witnesses reported that the fifth floor fall first. The upper floor fell on the lower ones leading to comprehensive total building collapse (Lew, Center for Building Technology, & United States, 1982). There reports indication that the workers had reported presence of web like cracks on the slabs with increased deflection of about 2 inches. The structural engineer was summoned to address the situation, but he insisted that it was not a big dal considering the progress made.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Analyse of the book Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Analyse of the book - Assignment Example The second section evaluates the arguments of the article, the third and last section assesses the significance of the article. The theme of the article under review is interactive television, abbreviated as ITV or iTV. ITV is a type of media convergence that adds data services to conventional television(Oliver & Grant, 1995). These value-added services include the delivery of content on-demand as well as newer services such as online banking and shopping. ITV illustrates that new information technologies can be integrated into older, established technologies and enterprise settings. This contrasts with those technological advancements that create economic opportunities outside established commercial arrangements. An example of the second category of technologies is the Internet. The first patent for interactive TV was registered in the USA in 1994 and commercialized the following year. iTV presents a scale of the level of interactivity that ranges from low to high through medium(Oliver & Grant, 1995). Low interactivity allows the television viewer to perform basic tasks such as increasing and reducing volume and switching between channels. Medium interactivity may enable the viewer to watch a movie on demand, but without the ability to adjust sound effects, for example. High interactivity offers the viewer the greatest degree of flexibility. An example of a high interactivity environment is a show in which the viewer of the show is invited to cast their vote to determine who the shows progresses. The provider of a program need not provide a return path in low and moderate interactivity settings. For instance, a person who downloads a movie from an online movie store can watch the movie on their personal computer once the movie is downloaded. The movie store may have provided the viewer with software they need to watch a movie, but is not involved in the actual wat ching of it. For interactivity to be said to exist, the viewer has to be in

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Accrual And Cash Accounting Essay Example for Free

Accrual And Cash Accounting Essay These are two methods of keeping track of income and expenses in a business, (accrual and cash accounting). Accrual and cash accounting difference is in when a sale and purchase are credited and debited to the account. The cash method is when cash is received, and the expense is when it is paid. An example is when I am contracted to paint a room, which will be completed within a couple of hours, the client pays me. After completing the job my client pays me with cash or check. Therefore, it is considered cash accounting and recorded as so. Cash accounting tracks the cash flow but does not track revenue. With accrual accounting, all transactions are recorded if cash is received or not. Most companies use accrual accounting on a weekly basis to monitor cash flow to ensure they have enough cash on hand for the business to operate. Accrual accounting transactions are, the day they of service. For an example, with my business there are some jobs that I and will be completed, but not paid until later. When its a company, their contracts are paid on a monthly basis. For a company these are considered the companies account payable, that arpaid monthly. As for me these are accrual accounts, but arerecorded. The cash and accrual methods can produce the same, Cash and accrual accounts can have no difference if all transactions are paid in cash when completed no matter what methods are . Accrual accounting shows the income and debts in partial of a business and cash accounting only shows the cash flow. Each method used together will give a more accurate picture of the company business. References:, Cash vs. Accrual Accounting/Bookkeeping Articles, Deciding between Cash-Basis and Accrual Accounting-For Dummies

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Coffee and Mission Essay Example for Free

Coffee and Mission Essay Analysis Of Mission And Vision Statement Of Nokia Essays and Term Papers Search Results for analysis of mission and vision statement of nokia Displaying 1 30 of 1,500 * Analysis Of Mission And Vision Statement Toyota Indus Motor Company Analysis Of Mission And Vision Statement TOYOTA INDUS MOTOR COMPANY LTD. VISION STATEMENT: To be the most respected and successful enterprise, delighting * Analysis Of Mission And Vision Statement. Toyota and working toward creating a prosperous society and clean world. ANALYSIS: The vision statement of Toyota Indus Motors Company Ltd is clear and powerfully * Starbucks Coffee Mission And Vision Statement: concise, and direct for the target audience. Starbucks combine Mission and Vision statement can be broken down into six key elements which are the followings: Coffee * Mission And Vision Statement seems a bit unnecessary. KHULNA SHIPYARD LIMITED (KSY) Mission and vision statement of this organization have been written tactfully and they are praise worthy * Mission And Vision Statement exact, measurable, and time-sensitive goals to guide my development; however, the mission and the vision statement offer a solid foundation for building these goals * Analysis Of Mission And Vision Statement Of Nokia. complex and challenging environment. Nokias mission/vision statement analysis In analysing Nokias mission/vision statement Ill be using the 9 essential * * published this * no reads * no comments * Saved * Mission And Vision Analysis Of Pso And Coca Cola order to meet the needs and satisfy the customers. Vision Analysis.

Two theories of motivation

Two theories of motivation Motivation is an intangible human asset which acts as a driver that pushes humans to be willing to perform certain actions. In just about everything we do there is something that moves us to perform the action which involves some motivation allowing us to perform tasks or actions which produces some type of personal benefit as a result. The general theory would be that, the greater the personal gain in performing the task for the individual, the more motivated they are to try at the task to achieve the best outcome. Motivation is usually stimulated by a want where there is a gain to be had as a result of performing a certain task. As Todes, McKinney, Ferguson, Jr. (1977) p.223 states, A person is a wanting being he always wants, and he wants more. Therefore if there is nothing that an individual wants, there would be no need for them to perform a certain task as there is nothing they can gain from it. Over time there have been many motivational theories developed to try and explore what motivation is and how different levels of motivation can be achieved with different inputs. Two of the most widely recognised motivational theories come from Abraham Maslow (hierarchy of needs) and Fredrick Herzberg (two factor theory). Managers in businesses would use these theories in an attempt to motivate staff to provide them with job satisfaction and in return receive better task performance. Through extensive research Maslow and Herzberg developed their own theories which are now used in businesses all around the world. Both differ in how they are applied but in the modern world they are seen as being totally true by many although they should be perceived as being an interesting problematic set of observations about what motivates people (Finchman Rhodes, 2005) p.199. This is due to the lack of evidence to say that they are completely true despite applying to the overall majority. Each is very similar in the way that there are certain requirements that must be fulfilled before high levels of motivation can be obtained. Abraham Maslow sets out a hierarchy of importance where human needs are arranged in a series of levels (Todes et al. 1977). Like Herzbergs two factor theory, the needs in Maslows hierarchy can be split into two levels. The first set being the basic needs, contain physiological and safety needs. The second set can be seen as the motivators consisting of social, esteem and self actualizing needs. In comparison to Herzberg, basic needs would be the equivalent of hygiene needs consisting of: salary, colleagues, supervision, policies and environment. Herzbergs second set (motivators) includes: recognition, promotion, achievement, responsibility and intrinsic job aspects, all of which are individually quite self-explanatory and fairly interlinked (Finchman Rhodes, 2005). As the structure of Maslows hierarchy suggests, the higher motivators are harder to achieve than the previous and there is an order to which they must be acquired. If the previous motivator has not been reasonably satisfi ed then there will be no desire to try and obtain the next. The physiological needs are reflected in the human need to eat, breathe, rest, drink and engage in active endeavors (Todes et al. 1977) p.244. These needs can be seen as essentials for survival making it logical to be place at the bottom of the hierarchy and as the lowest motivator (Todes et al. 1977). Safety needs come in the form of feeling secure in the job that you have which means that there is a requirement of: shelter, a strong feeling of job security and as Todes et al. (1977) states, a need for protection against physical dangers along with the need to earn a fair salary that can satisfy a given standard of living which is an element in Herzbergs list of hygiene factors. A manager would be able to fulfill the basic needs by giving suitable amount of time for breaks in which the physiological needs can be easily met. Safety would derive from supervision and policies of the company where they act as a guide, helping the employees progress giving them a feeling of being well supported. The environment that they work in would also help with employees feeling safe as long as there is the avoidance of physical dangers. Also there is the conflict of whether or not salary is a motivator. Managers may think that employees would work harder for a raise whereas others believe it is ineffective. Although necessary, hence it being placed in the hygiene factors and incorporated in the safety needs, it is not a motivator. The reason for this may be that although one receives more money for what they do, they will not necessarily work harder having acquired the raise. This therefore links salary to the motivator, promotion which would be the reason for why there is a sudden increase in an individuals income. The motivators, beginning with social needs, (Maslows third need which could be seen as being at the base of the motivational hierarchy) cannot be achieved unless the basic needs prior to it are in place and adequately satisfied. Social needs can be seen as the desire for interaction, acceptance and a sense of belonging with associates and personal acquaintances (Todes et al. 1977. With Herzberg, it can be argued that the social motivator is split between both the categorical factors contradicting Maslows perception of it. As the hygiene factors of colleagues and to an extent, supervision, fulfill the social need for interaction, the motivator recognition would lead to meeting the need for acceptance and belonging. Herzbergs motivator of recognition combined with promotion, responsibility and perhaps achievement would also be linked with Maslows fourth need, esteem. This, a more personal, perhaps egotistical need, is much harder for a manager to incorporate into the working environme nt due to the managerial trend of reducing most jobs to their lowest level of job content (Todes et al. 1977). Being noticed for good performance through praise and recognition, which could lead to the achievement of a promotion where responsibility is increased, can all be contributors towards fulfilling esteem but never effectively satisfying it entirely. Even if it does, it will only be temporarily and perhaps not enough for the peak need of self-actualisation to start being met. It therefore acts as a constant motivator to work harder or continue working to meet the higher needs (Finchman Rhodes 1977). Self-actualization is where an individual grows towards a firm understanding of their abilities and utilises these skills at an optimum level (McGregor. 1964). This final need however, is rarely met, hence it being at the top of the hierarchy as the idea of: as you progress up the hierarchy, the peak of each need that must be passed is higher than the need before it. Not only is this an important factor, there is also the requirement that the previous needs, although less dominant in focus, must remain active and acceptably satisfied before the next factor can be of any interest to the individual (Krech, Crutchfield Ballachey cited in Todes et al. 1977). Due to this and the general fact that self-esteem is satisfied in small quantities and not regularly, it does not make acquiring self-actualization an easy task due to the previously described theory rule. Although Herzbergs theory operates similarly, there is not as strict an order to follow as to whether a specific factor must be met before another one can become of any interest other than working on the basis that all hygiene factors must be adequately satisfied before any motivators can begin to be of any relevance to the individual. In this aspect the model is more lenient and due to not having a strict order of how they must be met, any factor within their respective categories can be acquired in any order making it easy and ready to be tested. Not only this but each factor is very much interlinked and compliments one another in the way that when one is achieved, other factors can be acquired in quick succession. Managers could then incorporate this into the way that tasks are delegated so that when an employee completes one task they obtain a certain amount of need satisfaction. On the next task performed, more needs could be fulfilled and unknowingly, employees would be progressing through the fulfillment of either Maslow or Herzbergs needs where they attain either more self-actualisation or job satisf action. What needs to be kept in mind is that although the two are very similar, Maslows hierarchy can be applied almost any situation with the aim of exploring psychological progression. Whereas Herzbergs theory outlines more of what factors must be in place before job satisfaction can be achieved relating more specifically to motivation and its impact within the work place (Finchman Rhodes. 2005). The intrinsic job aspects would be the closest motivator related to personal accomplishment as this need involves the employees feeling that through working they are benefitting and developing as an individual. This therefore means that a manager would need to try and identify which of the two theories they think would be most effective and achievable in developing employee motivation. Do they want their employees to acquire job satisfaction through Herzbergs motivators or to be self actualizing being more willing to work understanding themselves and what they are capable of. A combination of th e two could be possible in Maslows basic needs and Herzbergs hygiene factors but the acquisition of both does not necessarily mean that motivation or job satisfaction would be obtained, it just means that job dissatisfaction would be likely to develop without it (Finchman Rhodes 2005). Another point to remember is that not all individuals are the same in what they want hence the models not being universally accurate. A situation where either model would not be fully applicable is where one is happy with their current position and the tasks that they perform. As a result of the fulfillment of an unwanted need such as promotion, that particular employee may underperform as they have lost the job satisfaction they had prior to the acquisition of that motivational need. Whereas another who may have wanted such a need would be discouraged due to them not receiving the promotion and as a result de-motivated the employee. As mentioned, everyone is different in their levels of satisfaction and motivational priorities, some of which would be unknown to the individual. Even if known they may not know what to do to obtain them. From this a manager would have to find a way of being able to match the needs of people with appropriate incentives (Todes et al. 1977) p.165. Of course for a manager to fulfill all these needs they would have to be able to relate to the motivational needs of the employees beneath them and incorporate them into their strategy so that employees would be able to achieve them through the tasks they perform. As these motivational needs are met, employees may be more motivated to work and unknowingly develop other motivational needs that are fulfilled through the managers task setup. A very important factor for a manager to remember according to Finchman Rhodes (2005) p.266, is that the principle of behaviour that is rewarded tends to be repeated and that which is punished, avoided. From this, it can be seen that managers have a strong ability and in fluence on their employees behaviour. Therefore both motivational theories are not total opposites of each other but are in fact very similar. Both focus on the motivators as being contributors to psychological growth and development (Finchman Rhodes, 2005). Each has certain requirements which must be met before someone can progress onto achieving motivational needs, such as in Maslows case the basic needs and the hygiene needs in Herzbergs both are seen as being needed to be in place before there can be any progression onto the next set of motivators. This also expresses how both are similarly split into two groups. A big difference would be how Maslows theory can apply to any situation but Herzbergs is more applicable in the workplace and set out in a way that made it easy to prove correct, whereas it was more difficult with the former despite being taught as true (Finchman Rhodes, 2005). Managers could effectively incorporate the motivational techniques into developmental strategies by designing a work environment w here employees would be able to develop personally as they work, in turn they could unknowingly acquire motivation (Todes et al. 1977). This way employees would be more willing to perform their tasks and develop needs encouraging them to work harder, becoming more motivated to meet these new needs. But perhaps the most obvious and important similarity is that although they are taught as being true, a manager would need to keep in mind that they are not. Even though they apply to the majority, different people have different needs and levels of satisfaction therefore either model cannot be totally relied on for a manager to try motivate employees (McGregor. 1964). Reference List: Finchman. R Rhodes. P, Principles Of Organisational Behaviour, 2005 P.199, P.233 McGregor. D, The Professional Manager, 1964 P.11, P.75 Todes. J.L, Mckinney. J, Ferguson Jr. W, Management Motivation, 1977 P. 165, P. 223-227, P.244

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness :: Essays Papers

Heart of Darkness Setting: The author placed the novel’s setting on a stream boat on a river near London. "The Nellie, a cruising yawl, swung to her anchor without a flutter of the sails, and was at rest" (1). Then the narrator tells his story in a flash back which he tells about Marlow’s experiences in the African jungle specifically on the Congo river. The majority of the story is told in flash back about the voyage in to the heart of darkness. Characters: The central character is obviously Marlow. He is a man of modesty and courage, which are not stereotypical traits of a sailor which he has become. The book focuses morally on his personal character and then describes to the norm of the rest of the world. The character that Marlow becomes obsessed with later is Kurtz. He is a mysterious dark man who made money trading ivory down the Congo river. "'In the interior you will no doubt meet Mr. Kurtz.' On my asking who Mr. Kurtz was, he said he was a first-class agent" (85) here Marlow is talking to a captain and first finds out about Kurtz. Later he finds out that he transports ivory. Among other insignificant characters on the boat deck of the Nellli were a lawyer and an accountant. Their role seemed as only to be and audience to Marlow and the other unnamed narrator. Point of View: The point of view is from Marlow, but the tale is told from a nameless observer. This is the reason why the novel is in third person, and Marlow’s is refereed to also in third person. Marlow sat cross-legged right aft, leaning against the mizzenmast. He had sunken cheeks, a yellow complexion, a straight back, an ascetic aspect, and, with his arms dropped, the palms of hands outwards, resembled an idol. (69) Also the previous quote shows a honest virtue by being compared to as someone to look up to. Action: The story begins with Marlow and four other characters on a boat in the Thames river. The story line then goes into a flashback, and tells Marlow’s story of his adventures in the Congo. He has a connection to become a steam boat captain, but when he arrives at the first station he finds out that his boat is at the bottom of the river. Also Marlow has to rise the boat and repair it with inferior tools.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Pursuit :: Personal Narrative Science Movies Papers

The Pursuit There are many things that I hate about science. I hate it because I do not always understand it. I hate it because I always get bad grades in it. I hate it because it is so complex and there are so many technical terms associated with it. There are however, some good points. I only like science when I can understand it, and that is only in a way in which it seems common sense to me. For example, in Emily Martin's article, The Body at War: Media Views of the Immune System, she wrote about the immune system in a way that I could understand it, and that was by using images of war and of the police. I also like all the mysterious stuff that is associated with science. It is quite intriguing to me to think about all the wonders that are left to be explored. In addition, being a science fiction and Japanese animation freak, I like all the crazy things that both portray. In both Japanese anime and science fiction shows or movies, there is no limit to what science can do. They show us thing s that are perhaps possible or impossible when we take a look at it through scientists' eyes. That is why I cannot help to think about the question, should the pursuit of scientific knowledge be boundless? In the movie, the Emperor Strikes Back, we saw Luke Skywalker in a healing tank after being defeated by this wooly monster in an ice cave. This water in the healing tank acted like an antiseptic, and healed his whole body while giving him all the fluids he needed without an IV. As far as I know, there is no technology like that anywhere, and if there were, I would sure like to know where it is. So then as I watch my Star Wars, The Terminator, Matrix, Dragon Ball Z, and other science fiction or anime shows, I begin to ask myself many questions about the possibility of making androids or traveling faster than the speed of light or other imaginable things. Then of course, after all my excitement dies down at the end of the show, I begin to wonder whether scientists out there are trying to find scientific answers to the things we see in these types of shows because it seems as though there is no limit to this exploring.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Philosophy Statement :: Educational Teaching Teachers Essays

Philosophy Statement Education is one of the most important jobs I believe one can do because children learn what they need to succeed in life, along with responsibility, people skills, and leadership. I cannot imagine a job I would be more passionate doing other than teaching, especially since I love children. I want my classroom to be very exuberant and lively. I want to have paintings on the walls, along with educational and motivational posters. My bulletin board will be changed monthly. It will have a place to display students work, and a place to recognize students when they have their birthday. My bulletin board will be very colorful and fun. I will seat my students in either alphabetical order or in a boy-girl arrangement. Students cannot choose their own desks at such young ages because they will sit by their friends and talk all the time. I want to use desks rather than tables because I believe students need their own personal space to work and learn. Any projects that my students do I will display around the room before they can take them home. I want them to be proud of their work and have everyone in the class see how everyone does things differently. Projects that they do might be art or science projects. I would like them to have an art center, and a hands-on science center to do these projects in. I also want them to have a reading center that they can go to and read a book in peace. While I will have library books for them to choose from, I also want to have encyclopedias. Last but not least I would like to have a technology center. I want to have at least 2 computers, with Internet access, that my students can use for a certain amount of time each day. I believe that with all the advances in technology it is important that students learn how to use a computer, and the Internet. My classroom will be run in an authoritarian manner. I will demand respect from my students, and in return I will give them respect.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Interpretation of the short story “Yellow”

Interpretation of Yellow The short story â€Å"Yellow by Peter Carry Is about being Insecure and how lack of self- esteem can lead a person to suicide. It Is also about changing as a person by gathering enough courage to do It. The story revolves around the mall character Jon, a second-string writer on a London listings magazine, who has been forced on a learn-to-scuba-dive trip in Egypt. Jon is an insecure, overweight man with no willpower, pushing forty and dealing with a midlife crisis. There are also two minor characters in the story, Beret the scuba diving instructor and Brian the other student n Beret's group.The story is told over a few days and mainly takes place in the ocean, the diving school and his hotel, though the hotel is used for nothing more than drinking liquor. The story is told by an omniscient third person narrator that gives us a better impression of Son's way of thinking so we can tell why he in the end chooses to drown himself. Jon is lonely on the trip, the editor didn't pay for his girlfriend to come with him and he Is envious of the other student Brian. â€Å"But he envied Brian his calm, the methodical way he assembled and clambered Into the ear. † (p. 1, l. 9-20) Brian Is a calm, methodical person who Is In control of his own life, unlike Jon. They do not have anything In common besides knowledge of alcoholic beverages, and all conservations just lead nowhere. Son's relationship with his girlfriend does not go well either, â€Å"The silences between them had multiplied, then lengthened into an empty continuum. † (p. 2, l. 54-55). The primary reasons for Son's mid-life crisis are his not-so-well relationship and his suppressed frustration over always being called â€Å"Yellow, a term meaning coward. He thought of his fear and became angry. Well, this would show them he wasn't yellow. (p. 2, l. 128-129). He is sick and tired of his life and tries to drink his misery away but even the alcohol is not on his side, â€Å" He poured more gin, but no matter how much he swallowed it was never enough. † (p. 1, l. 57). In the end, he could only numb his pain by drinking water. Jon actually clings to life at one point, refusing to die. â€Å"Beret grabbed him and thrust in a mouthpiece just before Jon broke the surface, gasping for life, clawing in air. † (p. 3, l. 99-100). This shows that he is not completely ready to let go of his life, even though having contemplated suicide a number of times.He finally transform in the end, he gathers up courage to prove that he is not a coward and let go of his old self. He starts drinking of the ocean water and look back up at himself from below. â€Å"Well, this would show them he wasn't yellow. Then he was calm again and looked back up at himself from below. † (p. 2, l. 128-129). He finally experiences the calm which symbolizes the transformation to his new self. He has left the old ‘Jon' behind and has come the new, free and Ideal ‘ Jon'. Longboats Hughes' â€Å"Suicide's Note†, where the calm face of the river asks for a kiss, fits Jon perfectly, as he accepts the river's kiss of death. Heir nothingness part of an immeasurable emptiness, as if they has shows how he thinks of the depths as an opportunity to leave his life behind. In William Wordsmith's poem, â€Å"Lines composed a Few miles Above Tinder Abbey', where he feels freed by natures living air, blue sky and round ocean Just like how the ocean is Son's beautiful escape way, which releases him from his depressed thoughts ND frees him of his misery. Man vs.. Nature William Wordsmith is a poet who lived during the Romantic era and was heralded as a genius and was the source of inspiration to many.In his poem, â€Å"Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tinder Abbey', he is saddened by man's inferiority when compared to natures many wonders such as the beauty of a sunset, a raging waterfall and the living air. William Wordsmith felt that nature was an everlasting source of inspiration that knew no boundaries and is astounded by Mother Nature hat fills people up with calming and positive thoughts whereas the human mind chains people with stressful and negative thoughts aiming to hurt and dominate the mind of the individual.Jon and William Wordsmith share the same love for nature because it is their source of inspiration. Jon has grown tired of the Job, his life and the cruel and the indifferent society he lived in. Jon was inspired by the oceans deep dark abyss and felt like this was the place he could get away from it all, the place where he could be at peace.

Friday, August 16, 2019

The Killer Angels: an Inside Look at the Battle of Gettysburg

The Killer Angels: An Inside Look at the Battle of Gettysburg The Killer Angels written by Michael Shaara, is a historical fiction novel that describes in great detail the events that took place during the battle of Gettysburg. In the forward we are given an in depth view of each of the main characters and key figures of the battle. For instance, we are told that that General Robert Edward Lee is an honest man with no vices who does not believe in slavery, he is also suffering from heart trouble. He leads the confederate army. And then we have Colonel Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain who has a brother, Thomas, who serves in the Twentieth Maine as an aide to his brother. The story begins on June 29th, 1863 with the introduction of a spy for the Confederate army. He comes to General Longstreet with information about the whereabouts of the Union army, who to Longstreet’s surprise, are nearby. This causes the Confederate army to reposition at Gettysburg. The battle begins on July 1st when the Confederates attack some of the Union army in the hills nearby Gettysburg. General Lee believes that the Confederates should be able to win this battle and engages the union armies utilizing varying tactics, he attacks the Union army’s left and right flanks and then attempts to divide they’re central strength to win the battle that way. But this method fails, the Union Army gained the upper hand when during the first day of battle they retreated and secured most of the higher ground giving them a fatal advantage. The story mainly follows the Confederates and General Lee as the protagonist, and it tells us what went wrong for them during this battle. We are given a detailed depiction of war tactics used during this time, and how the Union Army was able to win the battle by taking a defensive position on the higher hills of Gettysburg. The fact that the Union Army had higher ground coincides with the weapons that were utilized by both armies. Because the key losses that occurred took place when Chamberlain’s men ran out of ammunition and were successful only by charging their enemy with bayonets and when Pickett’s men attempted to charge the center strength of the Union army, I would say that momentum and visibility were key factors in a battle with the weapons that were available to them. It is also apparent that Lee’s heart problems seem to be affecting his decision- making throughout the story. Perhaps he has become more foolhardy with his own mortality so tangible. The amount of death and losses that the Confederates suffer seem to echo the thoughts he has of himself. It becomes quite apparent that the Confederate army will fail after General Longstreet’s continual insistence that they should swing southeast towards Washington, D. C. and take a defensive position. If General Lee had heeded Longstreet’s advice, perhaps the Confederate Army could have won the Civil War. In conclusion, The Killer Angels is a book that uses great detail and epic dialogue to describe the events that took place at the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. It gives us a closer look at the tactics and strategies utilized by our forefathers during that time period and not only allows us a glimpse of the personalities of some of the key leaders of the Civil War but shows us how these personalities influenced this battle.

Healthcare Managers Use of IT: The Ethical Dilemma Essay

Ethics is the principles and assumptions of right and wrong that individuals use to make choices and informed decisions. These principles guide behaviors by setting out what is deemed right or wrong. There are ethical issues in all aspects of the human endeavor as well as in all subject matters because wherever we find ourselves, we are faced with making choices and decisions that affect other members of the society. Information systems and technology has revolutionized the way we live and change our life styles in totality. For instance, letters by mail used to be the form of communicating to people outside your immediate environment. This used to take days, weeks or months depending on the distance between you and the person before you get a feedback/reply. Now, mobile phones and internet allows for instant communications making life easier and helping businesses. In as much as information systems and technology is improving our lives styles, it also comes with other negative consequences and raises a lot of ethical issues. For instance, new forms of crime are committed using information technology. A whole US government database has been hacked into by hackers who live outside the country; they do this by using networks of information systems. This paper examines the ethical issues that might be faced by managers when inventing or using information technology. Healthcare professionals in the care of developmentally disabled individuals, face ethical dilemmas with the use of clients who receive services at their institutions. ETHICAL DILEMMA Developmentally disabled individuals do not have the full ability to protect their personal information and records of their healthcare. Health professionals in this field have the sole responsibility of gathering this information and using them to the individuals’ advantage. The information includes their names, social security numbers, insurance type and numbers, medical records numbers, home addresses, state ID numbers etc. In this information systems technology world, these personal information can be leaked to people outside the healthcare field to commit various crimes such as filling of income tax returns, credit card fraud, bank transitions etc. The ethical dilemma of either protecting the individuals’ personal information or leaking to third party can be analyzed using the five-step  process. (Kenneth et al 2012) First, identify and describe clearly the facts. In the particular case under review, identifying the describing the facts will involve the health care professional assessing his/role in disclosing or releasing such information. The role can be direct or indirect, direct role will be when the health professional deliberately release the protected information to a third party for some personal benefits at the detriment of the patient whiles indirect is when he/she through errors or negligence the information is leaked. Defining the facts enables the professional be aware of how he can either be directly or indirectly involved in the ethical dilemma. The second step is defining the conflict or dilemma and identifying the higher-order values involved. Here, the healthcare professional is faced with two courses of action; either to sell the information and benefit from it or protect it for the benefit of the clientele. A typical ethical issue involves two opposing courses of action that that support worthwhile values. The values in this context are â€Å"personal benefit’ versus â€Å"protecting the client.† Furthermore, identifying the stakeholders in an ethical dilemma helps in the analysis. When the healthcare professional is faced with this ethical dilemma of personal benefits from individuals’ personal information or protecting them, the stakeholders can be identified as the health professional, the client/individual and the healthcare institution in general. Each stakeholder mentioned has or will be affected by the outcome of the end results. The health care professional can benefit in monetary terms whiles the client’s identity can be stolen. The healthcare institution may face sanctions from state regulations if this activity comes to light and a dent on its reputation. Also, identify the options that can reasonably be taken. This stage is when the options are put forward so that each is looked at carefully. When the health professional protects the information, it will benefit all stakeholders involved. That is the identified reasonable action that can be taken. Finally, the professional should identify the possible consequences of options. It is obvious that when the health professional sell the identity of the clients, it has potential consequence of he/she loosing job when caught. The health institution can also face sanctions and damage to its reputation. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS In conclusion, the ethical dilemma faced by the healthcare professional can be solved and the best course of taken to benefit all the stakeholders involved by following general ethical principles. Some of these principles are; do unto others as you would have them unto you, if action is not right for everyone to take, it is not right for anyone, actions that cannot be taken repeatedly should not be taken at all, take actions that achieves higher value and produce least harm or potential cost etc. The healthcare professional should put himself in the position of the person whose information is about to be leaked and ask him/herself if it’s right for someone to do that to the personal information.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Outline for Speech on Sex Education

The question we want to answer today is should sex education be offered in school? In my opinion, yes it should. If we offer it, less pregnancys would happen. Less sexually transmitted diseases would be passed in. Less emotional/physical pain would occur. This type of education can leave a footprint on your brain. According to seventeen magazine 750,000 girls get pregnant each year. This number could be cut in half and divided by three if we enforce that it's not right until marriage.In the 7th and 8th grade when the hope center came to the middle school and taught us about all these diseases, infatuation, love, gave us situations and talked about how to prevent it. If we had this prgram 3-4 times a year we would not see 5 prgnant girls walking down the hall way ashamed of themselves. Nobody knows what its like to be in ther shoes, so why even label them. I bet your doing the same except your doing it more carefully. It only takes one moment to ruin your life, but if we have sex educ ation, those moments could happen alot less. People don't know how much of an eye opener sex-ed is until they someone enforcing everything.No one wants your future to be ruined by something that could have been prevented by one class. Now you might think this has to be taught at home well that's true, parents have more say than teachers. Some parents dont give a crap though. They turn their kid loose like there is no tomorrow. Now if we have this at school maybe they will have a new view on sex and what the after causes will/might be. Everyone needs to pause before they play. Sex-ed would teach us all that. I like sex-ed, it's actually a good course from all the people that taught me.You also might say not everyone is mature enough for the topic. Well lets see how mature you are wgen you have a baby on the way, no money, no diploma, no nothing. I'm pretty sure high schoolers sexually active should not take this class lightly becaus it could happen to any of them. Sex-ed would change their ways. Show that sex isn't everything; its just something that should only be done while bein married or when you are at the right age to handle the responsibility. So yes Sex education should be offered. You shouldn't live your life risking everything in your future.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Why Not Have Physician Assisted Suicide

During the course of the past 20 years, many people are starting to here more and more situations about people participating in physician-assisted suicide. The fact of the matter is that people are starting to believe that they have the right to control their own life and death decisions. After you begin to think about physician-assisted suicide, and bring in all the facts, it becomes clear that it should be allowed in our society if it is used properly. Many people question the pure definition of physician-assisted suicide. According to the University of Washington School of Medicine, â€Å"physician-assisted suicide refers to the physician providing the means for death, most often with a prescription, in which the patient administers the medication† (Ethics in Medicine). As of 1997 the State of Oregon was the only state that utilize legalized physician-assisted suicide. Some people argue whether this practice is ethical to use today in our society. One strong reason why this should be done is because it is a good choice for people who are suffering unbearably. At times many physicians believe that it is their duty to relieve these people of their problems. One of the most famous arguments in favor of physician -assisted suicide is the story by Timothy Quill, and his patient â€Å"Diane†. Diane was a woman who was diagnosed with leukemia; from the beginning she refused the aggressive treatment. â€Å"She then requested a prescription of barbiturates that could be used to end her life if she determined that her suffering had become unbearable† (Annals of Internal Medicine). Diane was enrolled in a hospice program, many months passed but she began to feel a lot of pain, and fatigue. She used the barbiturates that her doctor gave her and ended her life. This was a very good case in favor of the practice because this woman was in serious pain, and the best solution was to end her life. Another example of a physician-assisted suicide incident that attracted some attention on the issue occurred with a 37-year-old woman named â€Å"BB†. This woman had a â€Å"serious stroke and soon after she became quadriplegic and unable to speak† (Annals of Internal Medicine). She spent many days learning to communicate with others around her by using a special computer. â€Å"Finding her life quality of life intolerable, she repeatedly communicated a wish to die† (Annals of Internal Medicine). She underwent some psychiatric counseling, and they agreed that she had the ability to do her own decision-making. So the staff â€Å"took away all of her artificial nutrition and hydration, and only provided comfort and care until she passed away soon after† (Annals of Internal Medicine). BB, like Diane, was also a prime example of a patient that was in need of physician-assisted suicide; she could no longer go through life the way she was and all she wanted was to die. Many of these patients bring up some important arguments for their reasons in which they have the right to use physician-assisted suicide. The University of Washington School of Medicine states that there are many arguments in favor of physician -assisted suicide or (PAS). The first of the four arguments in favor of PAS is the respect for autonomy of the patient. This means that the decisions about the circumstances for death are very personal. â€Å"They also state that a competent person should have the right to choose death†(Ethics in Medicine). The next argument for PAS is regarding to â€Å"justice. † â€Å"Justice requires that we treat like cases alike. Competent, terminally ill patients are allowed to hasten death by treatment refusal. For some patients, treatment refusal will not suffice to hasten death, and the only option is suicide. Justice requires that we should allow assisted death for these patients† (Ethics in Medicine). The third argument is the issue of compassion, according to the University of Washington School of Medicine. They explain that it is not always possible to relieve suffering, and PAS may be a compassionate response to that suffering of the Patients. The Individual liberty vs. state interest is one of the strongest arguments for PAS. A complete elimination of assisted death limits personal liberty of the individual. This is one of the main concerns about PAS, people believe that it is their body, and they should have the right to do what ever they feel is necessary. These are common arguments that have been used by patients and physicians all over the country. People against the issue of PAS debate many of these arguments and have come up with their own scenarios on the issue. Some common arguments against the PAS are â€Å"when you take a human life, it is morally wrong because of a certain religion† (Ethics In Medicine). Another argument is that some medical doctors like to maintain their professional integrity and are opposed to taking human life. Herbert Hendin states in his article â€Å"Selling Death and Dignity†, that † We should not buy into the view that those who are engulfed by fear of death or by suicidal despair that death is a preferred solution to the problems of illness, age, and depression†(Hendin 78). These arguments that are stated against physician-assisted suicide don’t seem to be strong enough to turn my feelings away from the idea that it is justified. In response to Hendin’s statement, he has no idea of all the pain and suffering that is happening to people, and what they go through. Religion is also an argument that doesn’t make much sense to me. The right thing to do if a patient is suffering from a serious illness or basically living on a â€Å"plug†, is to give them the opportunity to die the way they want and not worry about whether it is morally right, according to a religion. Also the argument made on behalf of some doctors, â€Å"that it harms their professional integrity† is also false. These ill patients think of their doctors as relieving them from pain and suffering. â€Å"Death is not caused by the withdraw of treatment from the physician, but by the underlying disease†(Annals of Medicine). Therefore, these ill patients are going to die either way, so the doctors shouldn’t feel that it is unprofessional to end a patient’s life if it is requested. One reason why people don’t want to let the PAS practice legalized is because they cannot find a certain policy to use it under. Physician-assisted suicide is debated upon regularly today and does not seem to be allowed in most states. One reason for this is because If it is legalized and it doesn’t have restrictions, there will be cases in which people will be going to the doctor to end their life for poor reasons. This form of PAS is unacceptable and that is why there should be a strict policy on the issue. If a patient goes to a doctor and asked for this procedure to be done, the physicians most look into the law on physician-assisted suicide. This policy should state that the practice can only be done if the patient has a serious illness, that is life threatening and undergoing massive amounts of pain, or lost some form of physical and mental abilities, from an illness such as a stroke. Another thing that would be included in this policy is that the patient requesting the practice must undergo some sort of psychiatric counseling to see whether he or she is in the right mind set for the procedure. This is important part of the policy, because PAS shouldn’t be performed if the patient is suffering only from some sort of depression. This policy will sort out the people who need the PAS and those who really don’t need it. This type of policy on physician-assisted suicide should be acted on in our government. Far too many people suffer, lying in hospital beds, wishing for an answer to their problems. They have lived a long enough, suffered physically, and emotionally, as â€Å"Diane† did in Timothy E. Quill’s article â€Å"Death and Dignity: A Case of Individualized Decision Making. † â€Å"We have measures to help control pain and lesson suffering, to think that people do not suffer in the process of dying is an allusion†(Quill 70), so we should not let this suffering continue on for people, and give them the choice to end their lives if they feel that is what they want.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Freeman Stakeholder Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Freeman Stakeholder Theory - Essay Example Employees have their jobs and livelihoods at stake and suppliers provide raw materials to the corporation, hence its success is vital to their success. Similarly, managers, customers and the community are other stakeholders in the corporation, all of whom stand to benefit from it. (Freeman, 1984). On this basis, Freeman argues that changes that have occurred in corporations law have resulted in constraints, in that stakeholder interests are being compromised in the interest of promoting the interests of stockholders, which has produced an outcome that is not conducive to the general good. He therefore contends that all stakeholders have the right to benefit equally and need to participate in determining the future direction of the firm. The purpose of the firm cannot be described as merely that of maximizing profits for stockholders (Freeman, 1999). Freeman bases his Doctrine of Fair Contracts on a normative basis, i.e, that fairness dictates that the purpose of the firm and its operations should be such as to ensure that there is a basic equality maintained among all groups of stakeholders. Therefore, the normative basis applies justice and fairness, as outlined in Rawls’ theory, using the device of the social contract. Under the social contract, every person has the right to certain basic liberties, which are equal to that which others have (Rawls, 1971:53). Furthermore, opportunities should be available to everyone without restriction and they must be of the greatest benefit to the least advantaged members of society (Rawls, 1971:303). Applying a normative basis to stakeholder holder theory, the guiding principle is that a firm should be managed in such a way that the benefits are balanced for all stakeholders and this is achieved by the Fair Doctrine principles outlined above. When a firm is managed in such a way that only stockholders benefit, then this may undermine the

Monday, August 12, 2019

Mini-Theme 2 - Inductive or Deductive Paper Essay

Mini-Theme 2 - Inductive or Deductive Paper - Essay Example For both women, the anger stems from their experiences in a community where fat is considered to be a cardinal sin spawned primarily from willful choice and lazy action. Their frank language and refusal to make apologies, instead indicating those many areas in which ridicule and simply being overweight has prevented them from experiencing those things that â€Å"thin children take for granted, such as being lifted up effortlessly on the shoulders of their fathers†, is refreshing and provides a glimpse into a world that thin people just can’t understand otherwise. After reading these, I have a better appreciation of the various things that prevent fat people from doing something about their weight, more than just a question of mathematical balance between intake and exercise, and the approach helps to illustrate the tremendous pressures introduced thanks to what I do believe is an overactive focus on physical appearance within the American community. However, these authors make it sound as if fat people are the only people who have ever experienced unhappy families, difficulty in school, troubles with parents, cruel classmates or issues with self-image. Our community reveres the thin person so much that even thin people often feel they are too fat, creating numerous eating disorders that ensures absolutely no one, thin, fat or somewhere in between, can feel comfortable with their physical appearance. I appreciate the insight, but I feel that at some point in life, people need to come to an acceptance of who and what they are and stop attackin g the world – thin or fat – for this condition. Exercise is necessary for proper health regardless of whether a person is overweight, underweight or at the proper weight for their frame. It is also necessary whether one is young or old. The problem for many people, though, is that exercise can often be difficult on a person’s joints and, depending upon their weight, can be overly tiring, forcing them

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Pepsi and Coca cola companies in Australia (report) Essay

Pepsi and Coca cola companies in Australia (report) - Essay Example Various theories will be cited and discussed and then their practical application to Pepsi and Coke will be discussed. Introduction: Â  CONSUMER BEHAVIOR Consumer behavior is an enigma for marketers all over the world. Countless number of strategies and approaches has been designed by marketers to understand the reasons behind why buyers choose a certain product over another similar product. However, a concrete model or method describing consumer behavior which guarantees a positive response from the buyer in the form of purchases or repeated purchases is yet to be formed. Even consumers themselves do not know what factors influence them towards making a certain buying decision. Broadly it can be said that consumer purchases are influenced strongly by cultural, social, personal and psychological characteristics. 2. Company overview & history 2.1 Company 1 The Coca Cola Company is one of the world’s largest beverage companies which manufactures, distributes and markets non-alc oholic beverages and syrups. The company is popularly known for its premium brand, Coca Cola, and therefore also shares the same name. Besides its namesake Coca-Cola beverage, Coca-Cola currently offers more than 400 brands in over 200 countries or territories and serves 1.5 billion servings each day. (Press Centre: Coca-Cola) The mission stated by Coca Cola declares its purpose as a company and serves as a standard against which its actions and decisions are weighed. To nourish the world To inspire moments of optimism and happiness... To create value and make a difference. (Our Company: Coca-Cola) The ultimate objectives of its business strategy are to increase volume, expand its share of worldwide nonalcoholic ready to drink beverages sales, maximize its long-term cash flows, and create economic value added by improving economic profit. (Khan) In Australia, Coca Cola Amatil is the company which has been licensed to bottle and distrubute Coca Cola company soft drinks and beverages in other countries. It is considered as the largest non-alcoholic beverage company within the Pacific Rim. Coca Cola Amatil has expanded itself in the last six years. It has expanded itself to include a wide range of products comprising of water, fruit juices, energy drinks, sports drinks, vegetable products, coffee and water. In August 2006, it ventured into the business of spirited beer brands. It ventured into a joint business with SABMiller and from April 2007, it became the seller and distributor of the products of Maxxium. 2.2 About Pepsi Co Pepsi Co is a Fortune500 company. It is a global American corporation with its headquarters based in Purchase, Harrison and New York. It has vested interests in manufacturing, distribution and marketing of grain based snack foods, beverage s and other products. The company was found in 1965 when the Pepsi Cola Company and the Frito Lay Company were merged. PepsiCo has immensely expanded itself and its product range since then. It now has a n expanded namesake product Pepsi and various other beverage brands to its credits. The company has been immensely successful in terms of revenue generation. In 2009 along PepsiCo’s product lines generated sales were 1 billion dollars each and the company products were distributed in 200 countries round the globe. The net revenues across the globe were $ 43.3 billion and based on these net revenues PepsiCo was named as the second largest food and beverage business in the world. In America it is considered as

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Contemporary Benefits Issue Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Contemporary Benefits Issue - Research Paper Example Sims (2007) highlighted that providing benefits in todays economy is a great challenge for the employers owing to the changing demographic and cost trends. Discussing about the most contemporary and dynamic compensation and benefit issues in the current decade, Sims (2007) highlighted changes in pension benefits, flexible benefits and healthcare costs and coverage as the most contemporary ones. In this paper, healthcare cost and coverage is the focus of attention as a contemporary benefits issue for employers. The paper analyses why and how offering health benefit is a major challenge for employers today and highlights the major components of this challenge. It also presents the implications of this challenge for the employers and discusses the possible future of this issue. Health benefits, according to Sims (2007, p. 467) grab the most attention of the employers today. Employees are also becoming more and more aware of health cover offered by the employers and demand it to be a part of their compensation package. Yet offering health benefits is challenging because of several accompanying issues such as the decisions on the premium rate (individual or group rate), employee contribution in premium, health cover for family, types of diseases covered, and the cover range (reimbursement of prescription drugs receipts, hospital fees etc.). Out of all the reasons, the main reason why health benefits poses a major challenge for the employers is because of the high cost of offering health insurance to the employees as stated by Sims (2007, p. 456) ‘the average cost of employer health plans continue to raise at a double-digit pace.† In addition to this, due to increased cost of living and increasing health problems employees have become conscious and demand health benefits to be a part of their compensation package. This increased concern of employees to receive health benefits in their jobs has made it difficult for the employers to